L'Ecole de design Nantes Atlantique master's students blog in China

Entrées du April 2015

20 April 2015    Students' group projects

April 20, 2015 Launch of Long Project with LEROY MERLIN CHINA

eng /中文

Launch of the cooperation with LEROY MERLIN CHINA

April 20th morning, the cooperation between China and studio and CHINA LEROY MERLIN is launched, this company specializes in the field of interior decorations. the ceremony has three parts.

First part, Aude Hazard, responsible of china studio, introduces to students the general situation of a store in Beijing of LEROY MERLIN with pictures, photographed last week on site, reflecting many places for improvement. Such as the entrance, where many bicycles are parked; the plateau on which written ‘Makes your dream home come true’, but Chinese translation ‘实现 梦想家’ does not mention much about interior decoration; the translation of the brand ‘乐华梅兰’ is a bit long; the signs of Management and the plan are not clearly shown, etc. In this part, students asked many pertinent questions.

In the second part, Hadas Zucker, an excellent designer who will follow this project. She shares her concept with the students in title ‘Why pollution works? ‘ which evokes the interest of students.

Part Three, a representative Jean-François, who handles the department of purchases and products, introduces to students the general situation of the group ADEO which includes a dozen brands and he also informs some figures of the growth and stores planned in 2025, he present the photos of the store in Beijing at the opening in 2004, and shares with them their values. They appreciate ecology, cooperation, adaptation etc. They can offer special solutions.

The ceremony begins at 9:00 am and ends at 12: 00h in a friendly and dynamic atmosphere. This is a good start for our cooperation.


首 先,工作室负责人Aude Hazard向与会人员介绍了乐华梅兰的概况,并用PPT展示了其店内陈设。拍摄图片显示出诸多地方有待改良。诸如,超市入口停放太多自行车;中文标语 “实现梦想家”并不能太多的让人联想到室内装修设计;商标中文名“乐华梅兰”显得稍长;导向标和室内布局图不醒目,等等。这个环节中,同学们提出了许多中 肯的问题。
随后,资深设计师,同时也是该项目的主任设计师Hadas Zucker和同学们分享了她的设计理念,做了题为“why pollution works?”的精彩演讲,激起了同学们极大的兴趣。
最 后,乐华梅兰的代表,采购部兼产品部负责人Jean-François向同学们介绍了ADEO集团的概况,展示了乐华梅兰2004年成立初时的店面布局, 透露了2025年的开店数量预期和增长预期,分享了他们的理念,环保,合作,本土化。展示了他们致力于提供专业的室内装修设计解决方案的决心。

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