Entrées taggées 'Students' personal projects'
20 and 21 December, 15 students will present their work. After a first presentation in October in Qingdao, they will present their “second stage” of researches about their diploma. For 2 days, students will present their work in front of a jury composed by professional of design in China.

They will present the third stage end of febuary 2011, then they will go for 6 months working as intern in different prestigious design companies.
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Events · News · Students' personal projects

On the 16th of March, the French 4th year students of the Chinese Campus of L’Ecole de design Nantes Atlantique met the Chinese students of Qingdao University. Specialised in French language, these students were welcome to meet with the French and find a partner to lead further on an anthropological study in China. [Read more →]
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Events · Students' personal projects
Students' personal projects

On Thursday the 25th of February, the 4th year students presented their design internships in front of the jury. [Read more →]
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Students' personal projects

On Tuesday the 23rd of February, 5th year students presented their final year projects to the jury. This one was made of 4 people:
- Michel Grenier, Executive director at UTSEUS Sino-European School of Technology,
- Marie-Chantal Piques, Consumer goods Manager at Ubifrance (French Embassy),
- Thibault Poyet, Design Manager at CBD (Beijing),
- Olivier Baleix, Founder and General Manager at Impacct (textile). [Read more →]
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Events · Students' personal projects

On Wednesday the 4th of November, the 5th year students of the Chinese campus of l’Ecole de design Nantes Atlantique presented the phase 1 of their final year project before a five-member jury:
- Matthieu Jamet, China Representant of the French Loire Region
- Agathe Nougaret, Urban Planner at Broadway Malyan
- Christine Biancarelli, PhD candidate in Social Sciences at EHESS Paris, Project and research Assistant at L’Ecole de design Nantes Atlantique / China Campus
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News · Students' personal projects

Nicolas Hubert, 5th year student at L’Ecole de design Nantes Atlantique in Qingdao won the « Best Student Award » at the 2009 Dalsouple international competition « Transform The Future ».
He presented his project “Pullover”, a clothe for trees meant to protect them from agressions in public places. [Read more →]
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Students' personal projects

Antoine Persyn, a 4th year student in the China based Master degree programme of L’Ecole de design Nantes Atlantique, created this beautiful « Iboga » lamp for the Shanghai Ecodesign Fair in April 2009. Made out of bamboo wood, this lamp is meant to help people feel better at home like a medication. [Read more →]
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Students' personal projects

After 4 months of internships, the students had to present the different projects they worked on during their training session.
10 students over 11 had done their internship in Shanghai and one in Guangzhou.
10 students worked on product design projects and 3 of them on interior design.
3 of them worked for Chinese design agencies and 8 for foreign companies (German, Italian, French and Australian). [Read more →]
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Events · Students' personal projects