On the 28th of November, in Shanghai, the China based campus of L’Ecole de design Nantes Atlantique will celebrate its 1st anniversary in China.
After one year of activity in China, the annual figures and facts of the China based campus of L’Ecole de design Nantes Atlantique speak for themselves:
- 750 Hours of class,
- 150 China-based teachers and professionals gathered in a strong network,
- 38 Master’s degree students,
- 38 Four-month design internships in China-based companies, [Read more →]
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Conferences · Events

On Wednesday the 4th of November, the 5th year students of the Chinese campus of l’Ecole de design Nantes Atlantique presented the phase 1 of their final year project before a five-member jury:
- Matthieu Jamet, China Representant of the French Loire Region
- Agathe Nougaret, Urban Planner at Broadway Malyan
- Christine Biancarelli, PhD candidate in Social Sciences at EHESS Paris, Project and research Assistant at L’Ecole de design Nantes Atlantique / China Campus
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News · Students' personal projects

On Monday the 19th of October, Seb-Supor R&D Center offered a design brief to 20 students of L’Ecole de design Nantes Atlantique and the School of Industrial Design of Shandong University of Art and Design.
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Students' group projects

L’Ecole de design Nantes Atlantique will participate in the Icograda Education Network show in Beijing from the 24th to the 30th of October 2009.
Co-organised by Cumulus network, this event will be held during the 2009 Beijing Icograda World Design Congress. It will offer 21 universities the opportunity to present their programmes and their students achievements. [Read more →]
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Conferences · Events

Nicolas Hubert, 5th year student at L’Ecole de design Nantes Atlantique in Qingdao won the « Best Student Award » at the 2009 Dalsouple international competition « Transform The Future ».
He presented his project “Pullover”, a clothe for trees meant to protect them from agressions in public places. [Read more →]
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Students' personal projects

From the 19th to the 23rd of October 2009, L’Ecole de design Nantes Atlantique’s 5th year students will work with Shandong University of Art and Design 山东工艺美术学院 students on a project lead by the R&D Center of Seb-Supor.
Seb-Supor 苏泊尔 is a joint venture that was created in 2006. Founded in 1994, Supor is the leader of the cookware market in China and the third largest cookware company in the world. Its headquarters are in Hangzhou 杭州, in Zhejiang province 浙江省 near Shanghai. It owns six production sites and more than 7,000 employees worldwide.
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News · Students' group projects
21 September 2009

All the 4th-year students started their internships in several design companies. 16 students are located in Shanghai and 3 in Beijing. [Read more →]
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In April, Wang Difei, the design director of Hisense R&D Center asked the thirteen 4th year students to find design solutions for Hisense domestic electrical appliances, television and electronic devices to expand its markets.
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Students' group projects

After 4 months of internships, the students had to present the different projects they worked on during their training session.
10 students over 11 had done their internship in Shanghai and one in Guangzhou.
10 students worked on product design projects and 3 of them on interior design.
3 of them worked for Chinese design agencies and 8 for foreign companies (German, Italian, French and Australian). [Read more →]
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Events · Students' personal projects

On Friday the 20th of February, Jonathan Li met with the students to present its design agency : Asentio Design. As a founder, he explained the strategic keys of his company, its creative philosophy and business method.
Jonathan Li : Senior interaction designer at Asentio Design.
Graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (US) and obtained a Master degree of Science in Human Factors Product Design at Tufts University (US).
Worked for 10 years as a mobile UI design experience at Motorola, Lucent/Philips Consumer Communication and IDEO in the US. [Read more →]
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